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Indie rock artist Ali Wolverton performing live, known for her raw vocals and introspective songwriting

Ali Wolverton

“I’ve been obsessed with Billie Eilish since I was 13, and I think that definitely shines through my vocals and production.” - Ali Wolverton

We recently had the pleasure of chatting with the talented Ali Wolverton to discuss her debut single, "Phantom Pain". Released in July, the track has already garnered over 20k streams, resonating deeply with listeners through its heartfelt lyrics and emotive vocals. Ali shared with us the inspiration behind the song, revealing how she was inspired by the psychological concept of phantom pain and how she applied it to the lingering emotions of a lost relationship.

In this candid interview, Ali opens up about her intuitive songwriting process, her biggest musical influences—including Billie Eilish, Suki Waterhouse, and Lana Del Rey—and the excitement of releasing her first single. She also gives us a glimpse into her upcoming projects, including the release of her next single, "Limbo," on August 15th, which she describes as "Phantom Pain's evil twin." With her unique sound and profound lyrics, Ali Wolverton is definitely an artist to watch. Read on for the full interview!


Phantom Pain is such a beautiful song with heartfelt lyrics and a sad girl summer pop vibe! We got to chat via email and zoom with Ali Wolverton about the single, her inspiration behind the song and more! Read it all below and be sure to support Ali Wolverton by following her on social media and you can find her music below!

GRRRL Music: Congratulations on the release of "Phantom Pain" in July! Your voice and the lyrics are truly captivating. What inspired you to write this song, and what personal meaning does it hold for you?

Photo Credit: Provided By Artist

ALI WOLVERTON: thank you so much!! I’m so glad you liked it. in my high school psychology class, I learned about the phenomenon of phantom pain, where a person feels sensations and pain in a limb that is missing or removed. in my song, I applied this concept to a person - they are no longer present, but I still feel them. most lyrics of the song surround my self image: haircuts, clothing, tattoos - to describe how this person has merged into my own identity, and is carved inside of who I am. the song is of course very sad, but I also like to frame it to see how very beautiful it is to carry pieces of everyone I have ever loved.

GM: I noticed on your Instagram that you wrote "Phantom Pain" in one sitting. Does songwriting come naturally to you, or was this a unique experience?

AW: every song is so different when it comes to the creative process, but my writing is typically more intuitive than intentional. that’s one thing that I’m still getting used to about being an artist - until now, I have never sat down and decided to write a song. they have always just came to me as I go about my life. I truly believe that every song I create is a divine message sent to me, and that I am being used as a mouthpiece to deliver a message that is meant for someone, somewhere to hear.

GM: With over 20k streams already, "Phantom Pain" is off to an incredible start! Can you share what the process of releasing your debut single was like? Any advice for fellow artists aiming to perfect their debut release?

AW: releasing my first single was a whirlwind of emotions, scary of course but mostly excited! I was so eager to have my first song out so the wait killed me a little, but it was very worth it. I am so blessed to have a team that cares so much about me and my vision, they make me feel so loved & supported which is all I could ask for. my advice to other artists getting ready to release their first song into the world is don’t rush it! listen to your gut, trust yourself, and soak in every moment.

GM: Who are your biggest musical influences at the moment? Which artists do you look up to the most?

AW: I’ve been obsessed with Billie Eilish since I was 13, and I think that definitely shines through my vocals and production. an artist that’s a newer obsession for me is Suki Waterhouse, I love her huge choruses that transport you to another world and I would love to channel that. but Lana Del Rey is the one who has shaped me most - I actually had the life changing experience of seeing her live and it made me think a lot about the kind of artist and performer that I want to be.

GM: Can we expect any new releases or exciting projects from you this year? What should your fans be on the lookout for?

AW: my next single, “limbo” is phantom pain’s evil twin and it will be out August 15th!! I’m so excited for her to be out in the world. I’ve made so many songs I’m in love with that genuinely pain me to hide, I cannot wait to switch it up a little with some happy & upbeat songs! I’m still exploring my sound and discovering something new about my artistry with every new song I make, and I’m so excited to take my fans with me on this journey of creating myself! it blows my mind that I live a life where I get to share what I create with the world, these past few months have been so incredible and surreal.

Phantom Pain is out on all platforms now, you can support Ali by following her on Instagram and streaming her upcoming release "limbo” on August 15th!

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